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Beechville Baptist Church
Beechville, CanadaWe’ve seen the transformation hundreds of times - people who came to us full of doubt and uncertainty become secure in the knowledge of their rightful place in God’s great kingdom. The change may start slowly - in a Bible Study class or choir participation, perhaps - but once it begins, it picks up speed. The good works, shared experiences, time spent in prayer - all bring us closer to our highest calling. Source: Beechville Baptist Church http://www.beechvillebaptistchurch.ca/
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Emmanuel Baptist Church
Hammonds Plains, CanadaTo Boldly Promote Authentic and Transformational Encounters with God and People! At EBC: The MEETing Place we believe that we have been called to be a safe community for all who seek to experience true relationship with God. We aim to Glorify God by Creating a Place to Meet by: Ministering to the Whole Person, Evangelizing the Lost, Equipping Members to be Ministers, and Teaching the Body of Christ. Those who call EBC: The MEETing Place home do so because of the strong leadership, unique diversity and lively atmosphere they experience here. In the first instance, our pastors lead with a strong sense of conviction, accountability and transparency. In the second, we are an intergenerational, multicultural and interdenominationally diverse body of believers who seek to embrace and accept all who seek genuine encounters with God and with his people. In the third, we consider authentically uplifting and genuine worship as a key ingredient to God meeting with us as we meet with him. Those who meet at EBC: The MEETing Place enjoy vibrant services, genuinely warm fellowship, transformative spiritual experiences and the strong sense of family as a result of genuine love between believers. The atmosphere at EBC: The MEETing Place is a friendly and welcoming one that emphasizes relationship instead of religion and promotes freedom to worship God according to the leading of God’s Holy Spirit. Everything we do is aimed at creating a place to MEET where God can meet with us as we meet with God! This is why we are wholeheartedly committed to our vision to glorify God by: Boldly Promoting Authentic and Transformational Encounters with God and People. Source: Churches in Halifax, Bedford: EBC The Meeting Place, Emmanuel Baptist Church http://ebcmeet.com/
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Saint Philip's African Orthodox Church
Whitney Pier, CanadaDESCRIPTION OF HISTORIC PLACE St. Philip's African Orthodox Church is located on Hankard Street in the area of Sydney, Cape Breton known as Whitney Pier. This wooden church with Gothic style elements was built between 1900 and 1915. The building and property are located in the provincial designation. HERITAGE VALUE St. Philip's African Orthodox Church is valued for its role in preserving Nova Scotia's West Indian heritage and for its association with the industrialization of Nova Scotia. Over the years, St. Philip's has become one of the most important institutions in the Black community of Sydney; a community which originated mainly in the West Indies (Barbados) and whose members emigrated to Sydney during Cape Breton's industrial boom of the early 20th century. The African Orthodox Church was originated by George Alexander McGuire in the United States in the early 1920s. Born in Antigua, McGuire traveled to the United States in 1892 and became a minster with the Episcopal Church of America. In 1913 he returned to Antigua to serve in his boyhood parish. Aware of the rising black consciousness following World War I, McGuire returned to the United States with the intention of starting an Independant Black Church. This action coincided with the advent of the radical Marcus Garvey Black Movement in the United States. Garvey, born in Jamaica, led what was to be the largest and most successful mass movement of Black people in the history of the United States. In the early 1920s, Garvey initiated the Universal Negro Improvement Association which was designed to work towards political, economic and religious independance of Blacks in America, the West Indies and Africa. Garvey was know to have crusaded in Sydney in the early 1920s and that several branches of the UNIA were active in industrial Cape Breton, several of which continue to the present time. In the formative years of the UNIA, Reverend McGuire was invited by Marcus Garvey to be chaplain of the organization. This acceptance by McGuire laid the groundwork for the African Orthodox Church. Source: Canada's Historic Places http://www.historicplaces.ca/en/rep-reg/place-lieu.aspx?id=6292
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New Beginnings Ministries
Cherry Brook, CanadaNew Beginnings Ministries is to be a Christ-Centered, Spirit-led, Multicultural and Contemporary family of God. Worship Through Worship, we glorify God and uplift the body of believers, through Song, Dance, Drama, Media & Visual Arts & the Preaching of God’s Word. Fellowship Through Fellowship, we seek to imitate and duplicate the example set by the early Church in Acts 2:42-47 by sharing everything in common (koinonia). We strive to be a congregation that loves everyone equally and non-judgmentally. Through Fellowship, we live our faith while having fun! Discipleship The overall intention and goal of NBM is to introduce people to God through His Son Jesus Christ, and to facilitate an ever growing, maturing, evolving and developing relationship with Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. We have classes, and small groups that are designed for every phase and stage of life to help you grow closer to God. Service We don’t just “go to church.” At NBM, we are the church. We take pride in applying the principles and teachings of Jesus to the wider and broader community. Service is the way that we make a difference in our world. We have many ways for you to participate and get involved. Get plugged in today!!! Source: New Beginnings Ministries http://www.nbmns.ca/
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Greenville United Baptist Church
Greenville, CanadaDESCRIPTION OF HISTORIC PLACE The Greenville African Baptist Church is a simple Vernacular style building that was built in 1853 by and for the people of Greenville, Yarmouth County, NS - a small community northeast of the Town of Yarmouth. Municipal HERITAGE VALUE The Greenville African Baptist Church is valued as the oldest church still standing that was built for a Black community in Yarmouth County and for its association with Rev. David Dies, an early Deacon of the church. It is also valued for its unique Vernacular style of architecture. The Greenville African Baptist Church was built in 1853 by and for the Black residents of this community. The land on which the church was built was owned at the time by George Gideon Dies, a lay member of the church, who deeded it to the Trustees of the African Church at Greenville in 1869. The Rev. David Dies, brother of George G. Dies, served as Pastor to this community for many years and lived to the memorable age of one hundred and ten years. The Vernacular style of this church is unique in that much of its framing is on the exterior of the building. It is otherwise a simple, relatively unadorned, front gabled building of rectangular massing. Source: Canada's Historic Places Greenville African Baptist Church http://historicplaces.ca/en/rep-reg/place-lieu.aspx?id=5198
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